
Infected and Maggot Infested Wound on Rabbit Cured

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Original message in private Telegram chat group.

“We had a rabbit attacked by flies and the skin on her rear is raw and red a few maggots starting to live on the flesh. We are using CDS and spraying the area daily. It’s day 3 and the skin is starting to look slightly better and the maggots are gone. I’m praying it works, will let everyone know if it does. Not sure what kind of timeline we should expect for results.”

I replied, “I will work. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

“It worked!!! 7 days ago she had open sores and maggots and infected skin and today she is pretty much fully healed!!”

“The skin was raw and infected 7 days ago. Now it’s look close to healed. Used CDS daily for 7 days.”


Ear Infection Cured and Cat Tumor Cured

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Original Message in private Telegram chat Group

“I used CDS for an ear infection, gone in a day, my cat had a tumor and it was gone in a month with CDS. It is amazing.”


12 Year Old Dog’s Arthritis Cured

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Original testimonial in the Telegram Private Chat

“Yes our toy poodle is very well at age 12 now. Had bad arthritis. No more. Very well.”

“I just give her some of what I drink. So 1 out of probably 3 or 4 of her water bowls. Weekly I drink a concentration of 30 drops…”

She was to the point last couple years when we played or walked she’d stop all the time and lick her “knee” areas. Obviously in pain. Wouldn’t jump up or down on bed or couch any longer. Now she’s all good now. Age 12 and no signs of slowing down. Full of energy. Fresh breath and all.”


16-year-old Cat Rejuvenated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Original message from private Telegram group.

“I put 1-2 mls of homemade MMS in my cats bowls twice a day and that rejuvenated my indoor/outdoor 16 year old cat with arthritis into a mouse hunting machine in < 5 weeks. Also, have a 3 month kitten with bad ear infection. Used a saturated Qtip 2 x per day and her ear infection was resolved in 3 days. MMS/CDS is non-toxic to humans and animals alike.”