
Ear Infection Cured and Cat Tumor Cured

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Original Message in private Telegram chat Group

“I used CDS for an ear infection, gone in a day, my cat had a tumor and it was gone in a month with CDS. It is amazing.”


16-year-old Cat Rejuvenated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Original message from private Telegram group.

“I put 1-2 mls of homemade MMS in my cats bowls twice a day and that rejuvenated my indoor/outdoor 16 year old cat with arthritis into a mouse hunting machine in < 5 weeks. Also, have a 3 month kitten with bad ear infection. Used a saturated Qtip 2 x per day and her ear infection was resolved in 3 days. MMS/CDS is non-toxic to humans and animals alike.”


Chronic Ear, Sinus, Nose and Throat Problems Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Chronic ear, nose and throat problems cured: My youngest son had allergies and sinus-related problems since having been a small child. He would get tonsillitis and ear infections that caused him to get sudden, extremely high fevers of 40°C. This happened every six weeks. Every time he was put on (harmful) antibiotics and I had to stack Ibobrufen and Paracetamol and put him in luke-warm baths (also through the night) to bring the fever down. All this stopped after we started using MMS (and for the past almost 2 years – CDS). If I remember correctly, I simply used Jim Humble’s Protocol 101. The dosage wasn’t very high and he could stomach the taste only 3 times a day. I also had him rinse his sinuses with a saline solution once a day. Within 3 days the infection was gone – just like that! After 14 years of pajama drills!
He had a slight sinus and ear infection almost a year later. It was taken care of within 2 days. Previously it would take at least a week, sometimes two, with a 3-4 week break in-between.

Original post link: