
Possible Cancerous Lesions Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

“I was introduced to MMS two and a half years ago after asking a friend to pray for me regarding a growth on my arm. At that stage it was quite rapidly spreading and the visible ‘depth’ of the growth was also increasing. After having seen the painful treatment of my father & father-in-law’s skin cancer, I did not want to go that route.

Neither did I have the finances and state medical care in my country has ‘fallen apart’ to such an extent that it is not to be trusted.

I honestly cannot remember the dosage I used, but I simply applied DMSO to the area & then sprayed an MMS-solution on it at least 3 times per day. Sometimes I could feel a tingling sensation deep into my arm, which made me suspect that the growth went much deeper into my flesh than what was visable from the outside. Within 2 to 3 months however, it was completely and painlessly gone with hardly any scarring. At that time, if I remember correctly, I was also on Jim Humble’s Protocol 101.

Approximately a year later I repeated the same process with a growth on my face that was attached to the skin close to my ear and was growing a ‘flap’ over my ear. Again it was gone within 2 to 3 months. It would just painlessly ‘crumble’ bit by little bit.”

Original message in private chat: