
Fungus on Head Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

(Translated from Spanish)
”Hi, I want to share my testimony. I’m so happy and grateful to God for putting chlorine dioxide in my life. My son had been around 7 years with something on his head (seemed like a fungus) that no doctor had actually been able to diagnose accurately, prescribe medicated drugs and shampoos without getting healing. Until I came up with the 20th of February rehearsing with the DMSO combined dioxide and look at the results in only 16 days. He’s still applying it to him two to three times a day.”


Incurable Skin Lesion Cured in 55 days

with The Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

A friend of mine had a skin lesion on his ear. The doctor told him he would have to live with it because it could not be cured, and it would most likely get more prominent. He decided to use Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO topically. The lesion was cured in 55 days. The images show the progression of the healing.

He diluted two activated drops of MMS1 with 2 Drops of DMSO and then added 5 ml of water. Making a new solution with each application, he rubbed this on 2 times per day. He would wipe the area off after 2-3 minutes.


Bedridden with Lyme Disease Now Walking

With the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Tess 13.03.2021 09:04:27

In a nutshell…

In 2017 I was extremely unwell with chronic Lyme and a bad reaction to an antibiotic treatment. I was bed bound and unable to walk or pick up my arms. My decline was quite fast until I got to this stage from conventional antibiotic treatments. My liver had expanded as well. I was also unable to close my mouth or talk.

Out of desperation I started researching and actually came across a shortened version of a documentary on Twitter posted by another Lyme sufferer. 6 months down the road i got mms and I started it. In about 2 weeks I was able to walk and had the stamina to cross the room, and in a month I was much much more energised. I was extremely careful what I drank and ate and I had a lot of bone broths.


Brain Fog & Yeast Infections Gone, Sinuses Clear, and Improved Energy

with the universal antidote (chlorine dioxide)

Danuta Presutti 13.03.2021 11:36:14

“List of symptoms that left me since praying to God for a healing miracle, after which God led me to MMS.
1. No more brain fog
2. No more constant yeast infections
3. Sinuses cleared of painful pressure
4. I can breathe without getting winded
5. I can walk up the stairs again without knee pain
6. Persistent open sore healed
7. So much more energy (even helped me quit coffee).

All this in 3 weeks.
So far my joint pain is 50% less and getting better every day.”

Protocol 1000


Psoriasis Cured in 2 Weeks


A friend of mine just sent me these pictures. His son deals with psoriasis every winter and it can get pretty ugly.

He typically takes steroids every winter when this happens to improve the situation. The psoriasis usually lasts from the start of winter until late spring.

This year they decided to try MMS instead of steroids. They made a solution of activated MMS and soaked his hands in it every night for two weeks. He did not think to take pictures for the first few days but when it started getting better he took pictures and then also took pictures after two weeks.

Remember that this would not go away without steroids prior to this.

This is the picture of the psoriasis and then also the picture after doing hand soaks for about 30 minutes each day.

I think that probably 10-15 minute soaks would have done the same.