“I used it for my son who has had chronic nasal congestion since he was 2…. ENT said it was allergies. Completely cleared in 4 days and now I just give him a drop once a week as maintenance.
I used 1 activated drop once every hour 8 times a day for 4 days.
Bloody miraculous!!! We had tried everything…diet, antihistamines, colloidal silver, etc. “
“I’ve been taking CDS for about two weeks now. 2-6ml a day to begin with, but now I’m up to 10ml. Came down with the flu/glandular fever plus cold sores (it’s cyclical for me – once a year in peak times of stress or drastic change in weather) last Tuesday, so I upped the ml’s on Wednesday, and by Thursday afternoon it was all gone. Was in the middle of moving house as well, so it was an amazing relief to not have to go through the usual 10-14 days of being bed ridden. That’s on top of my Crohn’s symptoms as well (whole body joint pain and inflammation, irregular and bloody stools, pain in my bowels/colon from the polyps tearing, general abdominal pain and bloating). But all gone now.
Also have CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), gout, PCOS and due to the issues with absorption of nutrients my teeth/gums have been becoming inflamed, infected and one actually rotted. Severe tooth pain was my life for about 12mos. Had three extractions, and was due to have another 2 taken out. I haven’t had any pain though, and can now chew properly with little to no sensitivity or gum/tooth pain whatsoever. The pain eased immediately upon my first ever dose.
Since starting CDS, in general: I had my first regular period, I’ve no more pain in my teeth or body generally, no inflammation anywhere, fatigue is non-existent (as long as I take the first two doses of 2ml as soon as I wake; it’s like having a crazy rush of speed haha 😂), and no blood in my stools.
So basically my body was a shit-show beforehand LOL! 😬
I heard about CDS through my uncle who’d heard about it through a friend at church here in Australia.”
Link to original message: https://t.me/c/1496488601/48840
I can tell you that I have been using MMS1 now for 5 months and have not had a single Crohns flareup. I was getting 5-7 a year. Too early to know for sure but it’s a great start. I did a 30 day detox using protocol 1000 then just maintenance doses 2x per week.
Link to original message in private chat group: https://t.me/c/1496488601/48820
Six weeks between these photos, vet wanted to take his ear above the tumour, but we refused, treat with mms for 6 weeks on the hour for 8 hours, MMS1, absolutely miraculous 🙏💕
(used spray protocol and oral and spray protocol)
Curious Outlier, [9/2/2021 10:36 AM] Hi Lynne,
Can you give me the specifics on how you treated your dog so I can post it. A lot of people are asking. What was your oral dosing daily and what was the topical dosing daily. Amount given and frequency. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Lynne, [9/2/2021 11:05 AM] Hi, we followed the protocol 1000, weight dependant, 60 drops every hour for 8 hours, then adding the dmso later, topically sprayed 3 times per day with 10 drops mms. X
Curious Outlier, [9/2/2021 3:27 PM] You gave her 60 drops every hour? How much does she weigh? And how did you get her to take that high of a dose?
Lynne, [9/3/2021 12:43 AM] Yes, he weighs 18kg, I put it on a little bit of kibble every time, he ate it fine. X
Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 12:44 AM] Just wanted to verify though that it was 60 drops MMS1 per hour 8 hours per day?
Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 12:45 AM] You put it on The kibble undiluted?
Lynne, [9/3/2021 1:01 AM] No the 60 drops was diluted with distilled water sorry I’m trying to remember the amount of mms, I had to look it up on weight under the protocol 1000. X
Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 1:57 AM] ok. So the 60 drops was taken daily throuhgout the day
Lynne, [9/3/2021 1:58 AM] The 60 drops were taken every hour for 8 hours.
Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 1:59 AM] Got it.
Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 1:59 AM] Thanks so much for clarifying
“My husband had an appendix burst and had to have an emergency appendectomy. Right after that he came down with hospital acquired MRSA, that is exactly the way they diagnosed him. My husband is also a C5 quadriplegia….they put him on antibiotics that did not help, and subsequently put him on stronger antibiotics…did not help. He was then sent to Casa Colina for more in-depth treatment, but all they had to give was vancomycin, which did nothing to stop the MRSA. They sent him home on the vanco…knowing full well that the MRSA wasn’t responding to it. A good friend..told us about MMS and we jumped on it….We used it exactly,,and I do mean EXACTLY the way the book tells you to do it and he improved rapidly. Since then, we have used it on UTI’s, spider bites, pressure sores etc. Anytime we feel any little “bug”… The complete testimonial is in the pictures..
Link to original post: https://t.me/c/1496488601/39390