
Chronic Sinus Infection Resolving

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Source: Telegram private chat group

“My wife and I have been using the CL02 for about 3 1/2 days now. I take it stronger then she does. She takes about 25-30ppm. I take about 50-60ppm. I was sipping a liter bottle throughout the day and so was my wife. I use my diffuser to inhale the vapor in through my nose and mouth for about 1/2 hour. I also put the solution into a nasal mister I kept from a bottle of collidal silver I had and frequently mist my sinus throughout the day with the solution. After catching what I believe was Covid-19 in July 2020, after 10 months I was still dealing with inflammation in my sinus and the upper part of my pallet towards the back of my throat, heavy muccus build up in my sinus and down my throat and altered taste and smell. I now feel I am getting a handle on the issue with the CL02. I can breathe, taste, smell and I don’t feel the issues I dealt with in the back of my sinus and throat. We also put the juice in the vaporizer at night while sleeping. I feel it is working great and fast for the viral infection I had. Doctors were not able to resolve my issue and my ENT told me that viral infections in the sinus were hard to get rid of.

Well, its is getting better with CL02.

I’ve been dealing with the issue for 10 months. They would prescribe different sprays and medicines and nothing was working. Even though I’m feeling better I’m going to continue the procedure for a week and then use the product for maintenance. I have psoriasis and I’m hoping to get rid of it also.”


Toothache Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Source: Telegram private chat group

“Cured mine too. Took some CDS (10 ml/1L water) and swished it around in my mouth and held it for about a minute before swallowing it. Repeated that about 6 times throughout the day and by the evening it was fine. “

“I actually already felt relief after the first dose.”


Toothache Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Source: Telegram private chat group

“Have had similar problem, but drank protocol 1000 (-3 drops of each component, for at lease 6 hours a day, I mean every hour). Toothache was gone after 2 days, abscess after 1 day, and didn’t have problem since.”


Apparent Appnedicitis Stopped

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

“Sure. My daughter had stomach pain before bed one night. She got up in the middle of the night with it and was nauseated. I assumed it was gas but the pain remained and she ended up throwing up all she had and heaving when nothing left. This went on for several hours. We were at my brothers house, who’s a physician, so he was able to give her something for nausea. She took 3 doses and it never helped. That was unusual so I was very confused. The next day we headed home when she was able to stand the drive. Pain and duration of the drive. That evening the pain settled in the middle to lower right quadrant. I decided to preform the clinical tests for appendicitis and she was positive for them all. Later the evening she developed a low grade fever. I started her on the CDS that night and she took it for the next 3 days. It took about all 3 days for the pain to completely go away but each day it got a little less so I knew it was working so we kept it up. Fever never got above 100. That was over the 4th of July holiday and she’s been fine ever since.

Hope that helps!

Forgot to mention she drank 1/2 cup of CDS….10ml mixed with 32 oz distilled water”


Asthma Improved

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Source: TUA Telegram Private chat group

‘Testimonial here!

My son suffers from some asthma, he is 2 years and 4 months old. Every time he gets a bit sick, we take him to the emergency room. They give him ventolin and steroids and takes him normally a week to full recovery.

I had enough, i gave him two drops in his water bottle (600ml) every day for 5 days.

He started recovering from day one. No more wheezing in his chest, he is not coughing when he laughs hard any more! What a blessing.

I used cds %24 concentration which is available here in Australia.”