with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)
“Five years ago I was in Thailand and contracted acute Dengue Fever. I was hospitalized and on my death bed, my liver was failing, I had a fever over 104F for two weeks straight and was in severe pain (Dengue is known as the ‘bone crushing’ fever it’s excruciating). Some friends sent a healer to me who brought me MMS. I’m not exact on the protocol but I was very paranoid and even delusional from the fever and didn’t want to take it AT ALL. I believe he convinced me to take just 4 drops of each part of the solution (total 8 drops). Afterwards, the fever finally broke, within something like 4 hours. If I remember correctly (sorry I don’t know the exact details) I took it for a couple weeks more, four times per day, and that was it. It was truly miraculous. I have a degree in health sciences, I understand this is anecdotal evidence, but I had to come on here and share this. The healer who brought me this medicine was persecuted by hospital staff and had to sneak in because they didn’t like him curing patients (it was a Thai hospital for westerners and they made a lot of money giving me IVs and paracetamol). He never charged me for the MMS, brought me fresh fruit and coconut water every day. He was a good man. It saved my life, I was SO skeptical and scared but it worked. It took a long time for my body to recover from the Dengue, a virus as acute and deadly as COVID 19, if not more so. I have ordered some for in case of infection. Thought I would come share. If I hadn’t experienced this myself, I would probably believe the propaganda about MMS. Every ‘medicine’ we take is a risk to our body, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, herbs, everything. But this saved my life, and if there were any side effects, I felt so much better I didn’t notice.”
Link to Original Testimonial: