
Dengue Fever Cured

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

“Five years ago I was in Thailand and contracted acute Dengue Fever. I was hospitalized and on my death bed, my liver was failing, I had a fever over 104F for two weeks straight and was in severe pain (Dengue is known as the ‘bone crushing’ fever it’s excruciating). Some friends sent a healer to me who brought me MMS. I’m not exact on the protocol but I was very paranoid and even delusional from the fever and didn’t want to take it AT ALL. I believe he convinced me to take just 4 drops of each part of the solution (total 8 drops). Afterwards, the fever finally broke, within something like 4 hours. If I remember correctly (sorry I don’t know the exact details) I took it for a couple weeks more, four times per day, and that was it. It was truly miraculous. I have a degree in health sciences, I understand this is anecdotal evidence, but I had to come on here and share this. The healer who brought me this medicine was persecuted by hospital staff and had to sneak in because they didn’t like him curing patients (it was a Thai hospital for westerners and they made a lot of money giving me IVs and paracetamol). He never charged me for the MMS, brought me fresh fruit and coconut water every day. He was a good man. It saved my life, I was SO skeptical and scared but it worked. It took a long time for my body to recover from the Dengue, a virus as acute and deadly as COVID 19, if not more so. I have ordered some for in case of infection. Thought I would come share. If I hadn’t experienced this myself, I would probably believe the propaganda about MMS. Every ‘medicine’ we take is a risk to our body, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, herbs, everything. But this saved my life, and if there were any side effects, I felt so much better I didn’t notice.”

Link to Original Testimonial:


Chronic Ear, Sinus, Nose and Throat Problems Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Chronic ear, nose and throat problems cured: My youngest son had allergies and sinus-related problems since having been a small child. He would get tonsillitis and ear infections that caused him to get sudden, extremely high fevers of 40°C. This happened every six weeks. Every time he was put on (harmful) antibiotics and I had to stack Ibobrufen and Paracetamol and put him in luke-warm baths (also through the night) to bring the fever down. All this stopped after we started using MMS (and for the past almost 2 years – CDS). If I remember correctly, I simply used Jim Humble’s Protocol 101. The dosage wasn’t very high and he could stomach the taste only 3 times a day. I also had him rinse his sinuses with a saline solution once a day. Within 3 days the infection was gone – just like that! After 14 years of pajama drills!
He had a slight sinus and ear infection almost a year later. It was taken care of within 2 days. Previously it would take at least a week, sometimes two, with a 3-4 week break in-between.

Original post link:


Possible Cancerous Lesions Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

“I was introduced to MMS two and a half years ago after asking a friend to pray for me regarding a growth on my arm. At that stage it was quite rapidly spreading and the visible ‘depth’ of the growth was also increasing. After having seen the painful treatment of my father & father-in-law’s skin cancer, I did not want to go that route.

Neither did I have the finances and state medical care in my country has ‘fallen apart’ to such an extent that it is not to be trusted.

I honestly cannot remember the dosage I used, but I simply applied DMSO to the area & then sprayed an MMS-solution on it at least 3 times per day. Sometimes I could feel a tingling sensation deep into my arm, which made me suspect that the growth went much deeper into my flesh than what was visable from the outside. Within 2 to 3 months however, it was completely and painlessly gone with hardly any scarring. At that time, if I remember correctly, I was also on Jim Humble’s Protocol 101.

Approximately a year later I repeated the same process with a growth on my face that was attached to the skin close to my ear and was growing a ‘flap’ over my ear. Again it was gone within 2 to 3 months. It would just painlessly ‘crumble’ bit by little bit.”

Original message in private chat:


Acne Healing

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

“5 days of CDS results so far:

Before and After

I used CDS. 3000 ppm (mother) concentrate. 5 ml = 3000 ppm. I took orally 1 ml (600 ppm) the first 2 days. Then 5ml diluted in 20 oz. of water 5 times a day for 3 days. Topically applied a few drops of CDS to cotton pad (2ml of mother in 1 oz glass dropper) and wiped face once a day.”

Editors Comment: Spray protocol if using MMS1 or Protocol D if using CDS. In this case, she also used an oral protocol called Protocol 1000. Always do the starting procedure before Protocol 1000.


Tooth Abscess Cured

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

I used to have infections in my teeth!

Gums would always bleed and sometimes you could squish out puss along the gums!

I found after take chlorine dioxide for awhile my gums weren’t bleeding anymore teeth were tightening up especially the lower ones in the front were I seemed to get more stuff caught between them!

Taking Cds or Mms kill infections in your mouth like taking antibiotics would through the blood!

I had an abscess tooth in the beginning and was in a lot of pain so I was advised to take some Mms2 Calcium hypochlorite and the infection went away with a day and has never came back!

Probably because I got my Mms and have been drinking ever since probably 16 months now!