
Tumor Eliminated

with the Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide)

Six weeks between these photos, vet wanted to take his ear above the tumour, but we refused, treat with mms for 6 weeks on the hour for 8 hours, MMS1, absolutely miraculous 🙏💕

(used spray protocol and oral and spray protocol)

Curious Outlier, [9/2/2021 10:36 AM]
Hi Lynne,

Can you give me the specifics on how you treated your dog so I can post it. A lot of people are asking. What was your oral dosing daily and what was the topical dosing daily. Amount given and frequency. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Lynne, [9/2/2021 11:05 AM]
Hi, we followed the protocol 1000, weight dependant, 60 drops every hour for 8 hours, then adding the dmso later, topically sprayed 3 times per day with 10 drops mms. X

Curious Outlier, [9/2/2021 3:27 PM]
You gave her 60 drops every hour? How much does she weigh? And how did you get her to take that high of a dose?

Lynne, [9/3/2021 12:43 AM]
Yes, he weighs 18kg, I put it on a little bit of kibble every time, he ate it fine. X

Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 12:44 AM]
Just wanted to verify though that it was 60 drops MMS1 per hour 8 hours per day?

Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 12:45 AM]
You put it on The kibble undiluted?

Lynne, [9/3/2021 1:01 AM]
No the 60 drops was diluted with distilled water sorry I’m trying to remember the amount of mms, I had to look it up on weight under the protocol 1000. X

Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 1:57 AM]
ok. So the 60 drops was taken daily throuhgout the day

Lynne, [9/3/2021 1:58 AM]
The 60 drops were taken every hour for 8 hours.

Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 1:59 AM]
Got it.

Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 1:59 AM]
Thanks so much for clarifying

Lynne, [9/3/2021 2:00 AM]
Very welcome x

Curious Outlier, [9/3/2021 2:00 AM]